SMART to help with opioid abatement settlements
Jeremy C. Kourvelas, MPH
July 5, 2023
Now that opioid abatement settlements are starting to get paid out to communities, the SMART Initiative will be onboarding consultants for each of the grand regions of the state. Serving West, Middle and East Tennessee, these experts will be providing technical assistance not only for grant writing, but for community needs assessments, program evaluation, abatement strategies, and many other aspects of fighting the opioid epidemic.
Fitting in perfectly with the mission statement of the UT Institute for Public Service, these consultants represent an important step in the development of the SMART Initiative, as we strive to serve business and government to improve the lives of Tennesseans. Keeping up with the latest trends in the overdose crisis is important but time consuming, and these consultants will be a useful part of expediting the abatement process. Communities could benefit from assistance now, and with these new positions, SMART will serve as a great accelerator in the fight to keep Tennesseans alive and in recovery.
For more information, please visit SMART’s website and listen to our podcast.
Grand Challenges Overcoming Addiction SMART Strengthening Rural Communities