A Hub for Connecting and Sharing
Are you looking for a UT resource for your community or business needs? Are you a faculty or staff member seeking a partner for a collaboration or grant? Are you interested in reading about some of the great work being done by our campuses and institutes in the Grand Challenge areas? We designed this website to be a tool for you.
To learn more about the Grand Challenges and why UT is focused on them, click here.
Get Connected.
Find UT statewide programs, projects and people across the three Grand Challenge areas using the dashboard linked to Find Programs.
Become Inspired.
Read about some of our faculty and staff doing Grand Challenge related work.
Learn about the Critical Areas.
Understand the interconnectedness of the Grand Challenges by viewing our map.
Get Involved.
Discover opportunities for collaborative grants to help advance Tennessee across the three key areas of advancing K-12 education, strengthening rural communities and overcoming addiction.