Testing the Effects of Contingency Management and Behavioral Economics on Buprenorphine-naloxone Treatment Adherence Using a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) Design

Overcoming Addiction
The Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research will partner with faculty from University of Tennessee UT Health Science Center to evaluate the economic impact of the treatment arms in “Testing the Effects of Contingency Management and Behavioral Economics on Buprenorphine-naloxone Treatment Adherence Using a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) Design.” Participants will be recruited (and incentivized with gift cards) to participate in one of several interventions designed to increase adherence to a Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) regimen. Regardless of whether they adhere, participants are expected to respond to the survey, and will be compensated for such. From prior work, UTHSC has had high response rates from non-adherents due to the incentives.
Contact Information
Matthew Harris
Project Category
Campus / Institute
UT Knoxville
Department / Sponsor
HHS - NIH - NCCIH - National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
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